Monday, September 2, 2013

September SLP Link Up

It's that time again, the September SLP Link Up. I know I missed the August Link Up and have been a tad MIA the second part of the summer, but I started school Aug 7th and things have been super crazy. The girls over at All Y'all Need are ready for another monthly link up. Feel Free to read my link up and check out their website for Link Up's done by other amazing SLP's.

School-ing: I seem to be schooling tons of artic kiddies this year. Of my 43 student caseload at one school, something like 35 kids have some artic included in their goal. I keep promising myself i'm going to like artic therapy by the time i'm done with this school year (although i'm not sure I can keep my promise). I'm also working in a high school for the first time. I'm remembering what it is like to be a high school student and why I wanted to get to college so fast.

Excited: Excited to learn. I am a SLPA working as a Speech Specialist this year (my company decided to sponsor the three SLPA's who stayed on staff from last year so we all have our Emergency Waivers) and with all of my artic goals I have been asking my supervisor for tons help. I hope by the end of the year to be a master in lateral /s/ and /z/ and /r/ in all its forms. I'm also learning alot about cleft palate to help one of my students, his repair isn't the cleanest and he is having alot of trouble with air flow.

Prepping: artic activities of all kinds. Hoping to make word, phrase, and sentence cards to fit into my Cranium Cariboo game, anything to help keep it more fun for the younger students. Also learning how to create a student plan for the cycles approach. Has anyone ever written a goal to specifically include how the goal is be targeted? I swear this students goal came from his pre-k program to treat his artic issues using the cycles approach.

Trying: (on a non speech related topic) trying to get myself out in the world and hopefully meet men i'm interested in. I've decided this year that I am going to join networking groups and put myself in situations where I have the opportunity to meet eligible men. I recently became an active member of the Jaycees organization, which does leadership training, networking, and community service in my area (but is a nationwide organization).

Hope you enjoyed this information. Check my TPT periodically for new activites as they are coming slowly.



  1. Good luck on those laterals! They are a BEAR!!!

  2. Artic can be rewarding because of the progress made. Looking forward to seeing how you address lateral /s/. Thanks for linking up!

    All Y'all Need
