Sunday, March 2, 2014

How Do You Use It?: Dry Erase

Speech Time Fun has done it again! This month's link up focuses on Dry Erase materials. I personally love dry erase materials because they can be reused and save printer ink (and money).

1. Dry Erase markers and crayons- I laminate all of my materials before I allow my students to play with them. I have found that allowing them to circle their answer on multiple choice activities allows them to be semi-independent during a speech session. My Subordinating Conjunction Superhighway is one of the activities where I allow the students to circle their answers and we review their answer choices every 10-15 cards.

2. Dry Erase whiteboards- I use my individual white boards to help students break down multisyllabic words into individual syllables for more manageable productions or for practicing blending words together, to help them sound out long words, to write sentences so they can correct the mistakes, to keep a tally in a competition, to draw a picture if they have extra time or are waiting for their turn. I don't know what I would do without my little whiteboards sometimes.

Start looking forward to April's How do you use it? link up. The theme will be:

Don't forget to check Speech Time Fun's blog to see how other SLP blogger sue dry erase.

How do you use dry erase?


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